Sunday, November 20, 2011

Have Yogurt Value Without Having To Taste It

I have a really big issue with yogurt; I've never really liked it or liked milk as well. When I got pregnant, doctors tried every way possible to convince me to eat them but I couldn't. Then I knew the best information ever 'heat doesn't affect dairy products nutrition value'.
This means that when I use milk and yogurt in cooking, I will gain all the value, great!! I love it this way. So, I started cooking using them.
One of the best recipes I liked and has great value is the yogurt cake. It is good also for children who don't like it.
4 eggs
250 gm yogurt
Baking powder
3 cups flower
1.5 cups of sugar
Preparing time:
10 minutes
Difficulty level:
Preheat the oven at 350 ft or 280 degrees
Put the eggs and sugar in the processor with vanilla
Add yogurt, and blend them together for a 5 minutes so that air enters the eggs
In a bowl, mix flower and baking powder and add the mix.
Blend lightly to keep air in the mix.
Get a baking pan and spray it well with a non stick spray or brush it with little bit of oil and sprinkle flower to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan
Add the mix and put it in the oven’s middle rack for about 10 minutes or until it’s done
You will know the cake is ready if you put a tooth pick in it and it gets out clean.
As you see it is very easy and nutritious recipe that can make a great breakfast or a quick lunch
Another recipe that I really love is Shish tawook. It’s like kebabs but with chicken instead.
500 gm chicken thighs or breasts cut into cubes
250 gm yogurt
1 ts mustard
1 ts tahina (optional)
2 ts spices
1 lemon juice
Salt and pepper
Tomatoes, onion, yellow, red, green bell peppers cut into cubes
Baking time:
10 minutes for preparing and 20 minutes for cooking
Difficulty level:
Mix all spices, salt, pepper, tahina, mustard, and yogurt in a bowl
Add chicken, bell peppers, onion, and tomatoes to the bowl
Mix everything and leave it in the refrigerator as much as you can. You can even leave it for a whole night or if you don’t have time leave it for just 30 minutes
Get a cooking pan and brush it with some oil to prevent sticking. Put the ingredient like kebabs in skewers or just spread it on the pan
You can grill it or put it in the oven for about 20 minutes or until it’s done.

As you see these are very easy and healthy recipes that take no time and will give you the nutrition value of yogurt.

Please share your feedback, recipes, and tips to eat yogurt without having to taste it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Should Obese Pay More For Health Services

America has a really serious issue with obesity; it costs around 150 billions every year to deal with health issues caused by obesity. In fact, most diseases can be caused by really over weight problem.
When taxes were charged on cigarette with about hard earned 11 dollars, the rate of smoking and cigarettes consumers decreased big time. This proposed the idea of charging obese higher rates for health service which is already expensive to encourage them lose weight.

People are not sure whether this is a right decision or not. Some people think that these people are victims, they are poor, and left with no choice but buying no value, high cholesterol level, and inexpensive food. They claim that if such decision was made, it will discourage people to buy health insurance.
On the other hand, some people say that obese are no victims and that they made the choice of having bad food for their health and even if their families were obese as well, this makes a very low portion in their case which can be overcome by healthy food and exercise. That's why they should pay for the unhealthy choice they made and save the health insurance money for people who really deserve it.
Personally, I liked a third opinion. The ones who should really pay for these health insurance expenses are the companies who are making, promoting, and tempting people to buy these unhealthy products, and the access to a wider range of healthy products should be easier.

Of course, if you are overweight, this shouldn’t be the main concern to you. What you really need to care about more is your health and the bad things obesity is doing to your body. Stop all bad habits, start exercising, eat healthy food and you will be able to lose weight. There are lots of tips, books, and diets that you can follow. If you were trying for so long without any good results, you should probably visit the doctor to make sure that you don’t have any health problem stopping you from losing weight.
This last opinion is the best and right one from my point of view cause there should be rigid and firm barriers between people and these unhealthy choices that cause lots of diseases to our youth and kids that might end by death at a very young age.
Please share your opinion and which decision you tend to make

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

4 Herbs for Natural Pain Relief

Do aches and pains have you thinking you’re not as young as you used to be? You can turn to natural healing herbs to bring relief without the side effects. Here are four natural herbs – some that you may find in your own kitchen –that will bring you relief from head to toe!
A word of warning: The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease, but always discuss with your physician before treating conditions with herbs and spices to avoid any adverse interactions. For example, because turmeric and ginger possess natural blood-thinning properties, individuals about to undergo surgery and those taking blood thinners should take extra precaution. 1. Tame Pain With Turmeric Turmeric, the spice that gives curry its distinctive flavor and coloring, also has plenty of pain-relief benefits. New research suggests that turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and also helps to improve circulation and prevent blood clotting. Turmeric has been used in traditional medicines for easing the pain of sprains, strains, bruises and joint inflammation, as well as for treating skin and digestive issues. The healing power of turmeric comes from its active ingredient – curcumin, which lowers the levels of two enzymes in the body that cause inflammation. Don’t worry – I’m not going to ask you to eat turmeric by the spoonful! Just keep a jar of the powdered spice in your kitchen and add a little to your cooking in place of salt and pepper. Turmeric is also sold in supplement form. 2. Ginger Remedies Aches and Nausea Ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory, has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese to cure pain. Ginger helps relieve nausea, arthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps and muscle soreness. During colder days, ginger can help spice up your circulation, too! A perfect compliment to vegetables, marinades and sweets, ginger is also delicious in tea. To make fresh ginger tea, you can cut up the root, boil it for 10 minutes, then strain the water and sip as tea. In a pinch, you can use ginger tea bags, available in health food stores. You can also reap relief from pain by applying a ginger compress to the affected area. Grate the root; wrap the ginger in cheesecloth; place it in hot water for 30 seconds; let it cool and place on the affected area for 20 minutes. 3. Valerian Root Relaxes Pain Often called nature's tranquilizer, valerian has been used for centuries to regulate the nervous system and relieve insomnia, tension, irritability, stress, and anxiety. Valerian is also a natural pain reliever that reduces sensitivity of the nerves. Try a cup of valerian tea the next time you’re in need of pain relief! 4. Eucommia for Your Aching Back and Joints Traditional Chinese medical practitioners use eucommia bark for back and joint pain, especially in the hips and knees, and also to strengthen bones, tendons and ligaments. Eucommia helps heal tissue that is slow to mend after an injury or that has been weakened through stress. Western studies with rats confirm that both the leaves and the bark of eucommia contain a compound that encourages the development of collagen, an important part of connective tissues such as skin, tendons and ligaments. Although it can be used alone, eucommia bark is most often used in combination with other supportive herbs. The only practical way to take eucommia is as a supplement from a licensed provider. Patients taking blood pressure medications should consult with their health-care provider before taking eucommia or formulas that contain it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Eat With Your Child And Lose Weight

Busy moms have this guilt of not dedicating every single moment of life to their children, we have this feeling that we're always not giving them the care they need. So, we tend to ignore ourselves in order to make use of all time we have together.

Logically this will make you lose weight, however, what really happens that you start gaining extra pounds. What really happens is that your body is starving so, whenever you eat anything, it will automatically store fat instead of burning it to help you do the regular routine you have. This fat will be stored in belly, bottom, arms, and thighs.
Now if you really want to lose weight, STOP starving yourself, stop skipping breakfast, stop eating junk, and stop not taking care of yourself. I know this seems difficult especially for moms who have toddlers less than one year but they have easy recipes.
For moms who have toddlers over one year old the best thing is to cook for both of you, the baby needs fresh, healthy food and you should take advantage from that.
Here are some recipes that you can both be enjoying together:
- Post pregnancy shake that mainly consists of banana and raspberry which have great effect on losing belly fat.
- It is also important to have snakes every 4 hours for you and the baby like:
Yogurt lollipops
Crispy apple chips "all you have to do is cutting apples into very thin slices, sprinkle some cinnamon over it and put into oven till golden and crispy.
You can also bake some sweet potato until tender, let it cool, remove the skin, cut into cubes, and then sprinkle some ground cinnamon over the top of it.
- Everyday I make a very healthy breakfast for both my 7 months old child and I consisted of an egg, processed cheese triangle, and a small portion of basic oats recipe that I prepare by just adding some boiled water to oats and leave it for only 5 minutes. You can add sugar or not but I find it great the way it is. Oats are very healthy and I was surprised that he loved it over cereals.
Also remember to eat and give your child lots of greens and fruits to make him healthy and make you lose that extra weight.
Food is essential for all of us whether young or old, you cannot stop eating to be thinner. All you have to do is starting to choose more healthy options that you will gladly offer to your kid who will be happier seeing you eat the same healthy way you want to provide for him.