Sunday, December 4, 2011

Steam Can Help You Lose Weight

It is already known and proven what benefits steam have on you skin and body. Steam coming out of evaporated hot waiter will help closed pours to open and get out all the dirt trapped in it, that's why steam is essential in any facial cleaning session.
Steam Will also make your body sweat, and with sweat coming out, toxic will also come out and leave you with a healthier body.

Another great use of Steam showers is that it motivates your blood circulation and make your heart beats faster, and this will give you very healthy heart and body.

Finally it is known that using steam showers and with hot water, your body will burn some calories and fat and will ultimately help you lose weight with working out and proper nutritious diet.

If you don't already have steam shower, pay a visit to a gym or spa to enjoy this lovely experience and I'm sure you will definitely think of getting one at home.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Personal Health Information, Share Or Not?

I know lots of people who like to keep their personal health information for themselves and others who are very obsessed with sharing how they feel for public that they can even bother people with it. It is ok when it comes to sharing with friends, but what about your doctor?

You really need to understand the importance of sharing your health information with the doctor, this might save you from dying. Some people would hide information because they are afraid of having high health insurance payments.
It is not perfect health policy followed in America, but this doesn't mean hiding information from your doctor. Imagine if someone has a heart disease which they didn't tell about and he goes then to the OR because of it, doctors wouln't have in mind that you have a heart disease and will probably take some time before they figure it out. The time taken will be from your health and it could be from your life. So, again it is very important for people to share their personal health information with your doctor.
What about health diet? Share or not to share?
When people go through a certain new diet, they like to talk about it which is totally fine especially if they are aiming for encouragement to lose weight or follow a healthier path to get rid of diseases and so. The NOT so fine approach is trying to convince people that their current diet is bad or trying to force them follow the same diet. This happens a lot when people become vegan, they tend to show eating meat people that they are messing the environment and doing ugly things for animals and birds.
Every person has the right to think whatever he likes or not, we have minds to judge with. So, share your new diet information and let people decide what kind of diet that works the best for them.

Something else that people should think before sharing with others. Sex life, should you share intimate life details with friends?
I personally don’t think that it’s appropriate to share this information publically, if there is a certain problem, then maybe you can ask for a doctor opinion not a friend. I don’t really feel comfortable if my husband talked about my body with his friends. So, I won’t talk about his with my friends.
Finally, think before sharing or hiding any sort of information from friends but keep your doctor updated with all valid information about health and life.